Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Free Spirit


When I think about what really matters, it comes down to being a free spirit as much of the time as possible. It's easy to lose track of internal components that help to maintain my sense of well-being. Being bogged down on a job one hates or in a relationship that's going nowhere, or being faced with a serious illness or the loss of a loved one can greatly challenge us and our happiness or the pursuit of this, many times, elusive phenomenon. I take immense pleasure in being a free spirit. This is such a vital life force. To think about it is to assess just how free am I? Whether it's not being bothered about gossip, a snub, being less self-conscious, unfazed by someone's perception I don't agree with or living a passion filled life, I enjoy operating as a free-spirit.

Life is far too precious to squander it. Unfortunately, it can take so many years to get to know oneself. To discover our likes and dislikes and why, establish boundaries and perimeters-- how people should treat us, this is an area that can distract us and waste time. Sometimes it takes a long time to search within and find inside our individual self-worth and realize just how much value we offer the world. To dance through this life as a free spirit, in spite of trials and tests, valleys and peaks, highs and lows, we simply must dance in order to be free! We must stay in the rhymth of life, in the flow and going with the turn of the tide to places we didn't dream of or plan. They are assignments, destiny or dreams that came true our flow and rhymth of life.

A free spirit commands courage, integrity, creativity, compassion, kindness and boldness. It requires our soul to realize its connectedness to the rest of the world. I love feeling free, not worrying, not fearing. Not because I'm so confident all the time, sometimes I'm just tire of worrying and fearing and it's easier to travel with a lighter load, especially during uphill battles and down rocky roads and over rough terrains, when the sun isn't shining or it is sunlit bright and beautiful clouds speak volumes--there is life after I'm done here.

Perhaps to lower my expectations and let it be, what life has in store for me. While I work from a place of excellence and always do and give my best, I get it back, a lot of times in unpredictable and joyous fashion. Not too concerned about end results lessens the pressure to produce results. As a free spirit it doesn't really take that much to make me feel at peace with myself and the world. There're a few things I simply can't live respect and mutual admiration from those closest to me, that won't always be the case, but it is my standard. This breeds compassion, integrity, prosperity, sensitivity and joyful times.

As a free spirit, one of the highest orders is for me to live a life full of fun and service (I enjoy giving back), having a good time, this works for me.


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