Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Affirmations

As Spring is here...summer not far skin, new clothes, vacations, hot spots, affirmations work!

Affirm this Spring your desires for the rest of this year. Write them down and recite them daily, in the morning and before bed. I've found that they work.  Lose those unwanted pounds...simply affirm that you're losing weight right now. Want a new job, well affirm that you already have that brand new job. Ready to get married and start a family, affirm. In doing so, we solidify our desires. I believe it works. "We are the thinker of the thoughts that makes the things."

It's so easy to get distracted in today's world with natural calamities, one of the worst economies in many years, big joblessness rates among the brightest and most prepared, not to mention poverty, sickness and despair. It's easy to live in a depressed state with so much negative energy in the world. Affirmations are a good way to stand firm while our dreams come true without walking over anyone or operating in constant deception to get ahead. Simply affirm exactly what you want and remember that your desires will change!

As we evolve, what we once wanted or now have may not give our lives the balance we need today. Material possessions quickly lose their newness and won't fill voids over the long-term. I believe it takes a sense of well-being (balance) to fill voids. Voids are places of emptiness, hollowness and can leave us depressed with feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, numb, bored, addicted, cruel and deceptive. 

Affirmations can help us to get through our toughest times. To have chaos and know "this too shall pass!"  To keep moving forward even in the face of uncertainty or emiminent danger. To rise above the ashes and start all over again.

Take some time and affirm the life you desire and watch your life change. It's no hocus pocus, but a mere form of focused energy. Instead of complaining or feeling hopeless or accepting what seems inevitable, affirm the reality you want instead!

Even in the worst of times, greatness is revealed,  millionaires made and procreation continues!

I am beautiful
I am healthy
I make good decisions
I have good people in my life
I have plenty of money
I have plenty to share
What I'm seeking is seeking me
The world is a better place because more of us care
I travel extensively to various places around the world
Whereever I go I leave behind gifts that are reflections of my higher self

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